Children Impact

Reach out 2010 - 2023

Direct – Community Based
Municipal Schools

Success Story

Balwadi to Rugby Coach...

Rehmuddin enrolled in our Balwadi class in Baba Saheb Ambedkar Nagar slum in Cuffe Parade, Mumbai at the age of three, where he attended preschool classes. When Rehmuddin became eligible for formal schooling he was enrolled by Door Step School coordinator in the nearest Municipal school. But Rehmuddin dropped out from formal school and expressed his interest to only come Door Step School’s teacher’s class. After lot of cajoling and follow up he was enrolled again in formal school. After a series of these enrollments and dropping out from school, Rehmuddin finally started attending school as well as coming to Door Step School study class for after school support in Study Classes.  Rehmuddin’s father was unable to work following an industrial accident and Rehmuddin committed to his education to help support his family.

Along with studies, Rehmuddin developed his talent for sports and learnt Rugby alongside studies. Door Step School team continuously supported him as well as nurtured his dream by connecting him to right resources and giving the moral support. Rehmuddin mastered the sport and was soon selected in a Rugby team. Not only did he play rugby at the state level but he further went on to be a part of Maharashtra State Rugby team which won Gold and Bronze
medals at National level. Rehmuddin has had a great growth chart and graduated from being a player, to the coach of the state Rugby team. He is currently juggling his studies, is appearing for his final year examinations of Bachelor in Commerce and has also coached his college team to play at National level competitions. Last year he was selected to coach the National Rugby Team and now works as coach for all girls team at state level as well as at National level. We are very proud of Rehmuddin, his journey, achievements and wish him all the best for his bright future!! 

From the Docks to Orissa..

Fatima was engaged as a child laborer when she accompanied her mother to the docks for peeling prawns
• Enrolled in NFE class meant for out of school children
• Later enrolled in formal school was supported through Study Classes and completed her schooling
• Fatima enrolled first in Bachelor’s and then Masters in Social Work
• She has been selected through college placements as an employee in Labour department of Government of Orissa
• A successful transition from out of school girl to the labour department job has been noteworthy

Subhash Mahato

Subhash began his learning with us in 1993, when he was six years old. At 16 years old, Subhash completed his Secondary School Certification (SSC) with 81% and went on to graduate from college with a Bachelor of Science (Information Technology). Subhash is the first member of his family to receive formal education. He is now 23 years old and works as a medical representative with a Pharma Company. His income supports himself and his family.

Hanumanta Deora

Hanumanta started his studies with us in 1993, at the age of nine. He was first enrolled in our Non Formal Education class and managed his time with us while working at the docks. He continued his education and graduated with a diploma from the Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition in Mumbai. He now works in New York at the Carnival Cruise.

Santosh Rathod  worked as Bal Samuha Mentor with DSS currently is pursuinghis Bachelors in Management

Anita Rathod  completed her Masters in Education and is working as a teacher in a school

Ashok Rathod   who was with us since Balwadi has started his own nonprofit called Oscar which provides education through sports

Kanchan  who attended our Balwadi today works as a teacher with us in Govandi

Binita  who attended our Balwadi today works as a teacher with us in Govandi

Prakash Chavan  who was part of Bal Samuha group has started his own nonprofit which provides football lessons to children from reputed private schools

Geeta Koli   was with DSS since Balwadi has now completed her Bachelors in Social Work and works with a nonprofit

Anil Rathod   was with us since Balwadi and has now completed his Masters and works with Multi National company

Balvant Yadav   was with us since Balwadi and now has completed his Trainee Programme with ICICI

Santosh Panda  was with us in Bal Samuha and now is completed his CA